Hold me. Take me. Consume me. Devour me. Destroy me. Breathe, breathe, breathe…just breathe! Wake up! Damn it, wake up!
Her eyes snap open, taking in the darkness of the room and the warmness of the sheets. A beautiful man is lying next to her on the bed, arms wrapped around her body as his legs intertwine with hers. She feels his breath on her neck, the warmth of his fingers, and the quiet stillness of his body. He's in a slumber of dreams, fading into a blissful reality she wishes she had. But as sweat drips from her forehead and bones shake underneath her skin, she can't help but slip away from his grasp and sit at the edge of the bed, untangling herself from the sheets of heat and sex. Then she sighs in silence, feeling the devil release his fire against her exposed, naked flesh.
The devilish man is everywhere. The man she despises controls her, conceals her, disturbs her happiness and destroys her quiet innocence. It burns, you see…he burns her whenever she closes her eyes, attempts to escape, or tries to fight the hold he has against her. Her blood coils and her lungs constrict whenever she remembers how or where he touched her, gripping her wrist, and taking her strength.
It's hard to admit that he was once a lover of hers, the devil. He was someone she heated and thirsted for, meeting him within a crowded club of people who only seek and eye the graceful movement of the hips, quickly approaching a body with curves no matter what face is attached to it. However, he was an exception. He desired to speak to her...and so she let him, let him take control.
It was a while before she was able to escape the beast, the monster that still chases and wakes her from the peace she desperately desires. But why does he still keep her at his will? Why does he make her want to dig her nails into her own skin and threaten the only life she has left?
She stands up from the bed, aching inside, thirsting for liquids to hydrate her soul. She's bursting in pain, feeling the walls of the room closing in on her. She feels them caving in on her, inch by inch, minute by minute, having this sickening ambition to crush her organs and drown her in death. What is happening? Why is he doing this?
She then rushes out of the room, moving quickly up the stairs to the kitchen to find air. Yet, absolutely nothing is working. Her heart keeps pounding against her chest, her veins are throbbing against her bones… she knows what this is, she knows what he's doing. He's been waiting, and now it's time.
Her fingers begin gripping the strands of her hair, tearing out her scalp, heaving within the darkness, fighting against the tears blistering her cheeks, trying to grasp any molecule she can find so she can scream in terror. Breathe…just breathe! Don't let him take you, don't let him control you! She feels him all around her, breaking her, gripping her, stabbing her, wounding her...
Her eyes then spot the knife. She sees it lying on the counter, sharp and still, bright within the musky scent of life. It's calling her, beckoning her to feel the cold metal against her skin. Take it! Don't let him win! She reaches for the knife, on her bare knees along the kitchen floor, reaching and gasping for something, anything…
"Come back to me," someone says.
She suddenly feels a warm touch against her skin, distancing her from the metal object that was going to slice through her skin. She feels the sound of her name smooth along her body like silk slipping down her legs, soothing and healing her mind. A pair of eyes begin to reflect a beautiful man who now appears before her, holding her body in his arms. He was the man who healed her wounds, letting her exist within a world of weakness and fear.
"Look at me," he says, "I'm here. Come back to me. Please, come back to me."
He's real, you see. He's the one who she's suppose to be with, he's the one who holds her, takes her, consumes her, devours her, and restores her. He was always the one.
So breathe. Breathe, breathe, breathe…just breathe. Surrender to him. Let him care for you, let him cherish you, and let him love you. He is the man who sleeps beside you and the man who you will always wake up to. He is not going to hurt you. So please, surrender to him.
Without hesitation, she lets herself go, succumbing to the beauty he solely consumes. Because of her surrender, the devil cries in helpless defeat, entering his own death and never returning again.